Our Certifications
Morgner Construction Management is a small business entity certified through local, state, federal and national organizations and agencies.
Our current certifications are listed below:
California Department of General Services, DGS (SBE) No. 43602
California Unified Certification Program, (DBE & SBE) No. 34375
City of Long Beach (SBE)
City of Los Angeles, Local Business Cert., LABAVN (DBE, MBE, LBE, WBE, SBE, LGBT) No. 19230
County of Los Angeles Community Business Enterprise (CBE) Program (MBE, DBE, WBE) No. 086377
County of Los Angeles Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (LSBE) No. 086374
Department of Industrial Relations No. 1000012130
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (DBE & SBE) No. 5170
Los Angeles Unified School District (SBE)
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (SBE) No. 169059
National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (LGBTBE) No. 17043
Port of Long Beach (SBE) No. 251983
San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) (SBE) No. 1343
Santa Clara VTA (WMBE)
(SAM) U.S. Federal System for Award Registered
SANDAG Bench Program – (A&A, CM and Planning)
Southwest Airlines (DBE, LGBT, WBE, MBE, SBE)
State of Hawaii Department of Transportation (DBE)
State of Maryland (DBE) Pending
State of Minnesota Unified Certification Program, (WBE/MBE)
State of Nevada Certified (DBE/SBE)
State of New York, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (DBE, SBE) VS00048718
State of Ohio, Department of Transportation, CUP, Certified (DBE/WBE)
State of Texas Department of Transportation (DBE)
State of Washington, Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (DBE, MWBE, SBE) No. M5F0024674
Supplier Clearinghouse - CPUC (WMBE, LGBT)
U.S. Federal Government's System for Award Management (SAM) No. 8KK14